June Apple

This example differs somewhat from the one we played in the workshop. However I find it really fun to play with its Bob Paisley style roaring quarter-walkups. In the high part, I have stuck in a really heavy root note passing on the D-chord. I makes up a D9 chord to the voice which I find grandiose. Many ‘modernists’ and bluegrassers would modulate here, and play a G-chord (capoed to II you would use an F-fingering). A ‘deep’ traditionalist might choose to play a G-chord, which would make a G7 to the voice – also a very fine solution.

So. Play a G- or a D-fingering. But don’t take the musik out of the old-time realm by overharmonizing it with the G-chord.

Again. What is of utmost importance here is to keep a solid rhythm – and the G-modulation may threaten that.